Friday, March 1, 2013

Release your mistakes, poor choices, regrets, embarrassing situations...

Release your mistakes, poor choices, regrets, embarrassing situations...give them to Jesus once and for all. Jesus sees past your past...He sees your future- a new you! What you've done is not who you are... you're confusing behavior & identity. Behavior is your actions-your outside...who you are is identity- your inside. Jesus lives on the inside of you- He's your identity-His love validates you. You're loved, unique, a child of God; His masterpiece-to do good things He planned for you long ago. When you accepted Jesus, He came to live in your spirit; instantly you were saved and become a new person, but your behavior wasn't saved. As Jesus' love grows on the inside of you-you're transformed which changes the outside of you...your behavior. Daily as you spend intimate time with Jesus-studying the Word and seeking His guidance...your behavior becomes more Christ-like; the spiritual growth process. Condemnation will constantly try to disrupt your growth-reminding you what you're not. Acknowledge what you're-but focusing on what you're not won't help you become what Jesus says you are. Focusing on Jesus' love is a must-you can't move forward independent of Jesus' love. When you hold onto your past, you separate yourself from Jesus' love. This leads to self loathing, rebellion, or apathy and disrupts your growth process...exactly the trap condemnation wants you in. We've all been there...but we don't want to keep going back there. Don't entertain the lies of condemnation. Speak what Jesus says you are...His masterpiece-created to do good things He planned long ago! You can't operate without Jesus-He's your fuel. You wouldn't consider driving your car on empty, if you did, you'd run out of fuel and be stranded-you'd have no choice but to stop; no fuel leads to no movement. Neither can we run the risk of going into the day without Jesus, our fuel-Who supplies all our needs, exceedingly, abundantly more than we dare imagine. Believe and receive the truth-Jesus sees your future-a new you...will you? (Col 2:10-15, Eph 2:10, Phil 4:13, Eph 3:20) 3/1/13CIFL-LMM

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