Friday, March 8, 2013

Press're made for hard!

Press forward-you're made for hard! Pressing forward requires you to let go of where you've been...and where you are. God made you for hard-you will know this when you completely believe Him with your heart and mind; allowing Him to manage your life. Until then you try will reason potential outcomes of why you can't press forward. Choose to release your grip, untangle yourself and turn from the things that interfere in your relationship with Jesus. Don't settle for anything less than a deep, intimate and satisfying relationship with Jesus. The only thing that separates you and Jesus believing Him. Decide today to strain forward-push in, grasp and hold onto the freedom Christ died to give you. Be careful to not get in the rut of what you're not-instead focus on who God says you are...His masterpiece. Keep your eyes on Jesus-He began and finished this race you're in...He will take you across the finish line! Guard your relationship with Him-His love got you from your past to now...but He's also the bridge from where you are right now to where God calls you to be in the future. Press forward, onward and upward-make your determined purpose to know Him and be known by Him! Do forward-you're made for hard! (Isa 41:10, Eph 2:10, Heb 12:2, Phil 3:10-14) 3/9/13CIFL-LMM

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