Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We see an end...God sees a beginning

We see an end...God sees a beginning! God's eyes sweep to and fro searching for those who need and believe in Him- desiring the security of His love- wanting to do life with Him. God wants us to run to Him and rest in Him like a child who realizes they've wandered too far. When the child sees their parent- they run to them and the parent scoops them up- hugging them tightly and reassuring them that they are safe. We wander off in our self sufficiency when we try to fix things-meditating more on what we see than what God sees. We see a closed door-He sees an opened door, we see death-He sees life, we see no way-He sees His way. When we see life without His provisions...we've wandered too far-we need to quickly run to Him and rest in Him-His provisions. We're to meditate on His Word day and night, careful to do everything written in it-not allowing it to depart from our mouth-then we will be prosperous and successful. Whatever God asks us to do-He equips us to do. He supplies His sufficiency-we're to meditate on what He says...day and night; He always meets us where we are in our understanding. Be deliberate in meditating on the Word, but know the enemy's bait- one tiny shift, a single thought and you can see disaster...but as quickly as you see disaster-you must choose to believe God's provisions. The key is "quickly and consistently" run back to God's truth in your mind. You don't have to know how God will provide-to believe...He will provide. The enemy wants you to focus on how God will provide-he baits you with questions...how do you think God will make this happen, do you think He wants you to initiate the process, so what's your game plan? Know the bait he lures you with. Run to God and rest in Him...every situation you see as an end-God sees as a beginning. Meditate on His Word day and night, don't let it depart from your mouth, know God must empower you to do what He asks of you-then you will be prosperous and successful. You can-because God will through you...will you let Him??? (2 Chron 16:9, Ps 55:22, Josh 1:8) 2/15/13CIFL-LMM

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