Thursday, March 7, 2013

Your Individual Plan...

God has designated and equipped you to carry out an individual plan-it's part of His kingdom plan. This plan is not about your level of ability, flexibility of your schedule or current conditions in the economy. It's about your cooperation and your believing what God will do in your life. You must make a decision to believe God's Word and move despite the impossible obstacles you see. God told Joshua, "I will give you every place where you set your foot." God had the Promise Land waiting for Joshua, but he had to take the steps to take possession of it. The Jordan was at it's highest water level-making the crossing difficult and treacherous. Giants lived in the land-they could kill Joshua and his people. The danger was evident- the risk a natural concern...Joshua didn't reason the obvious-he focused on God's Word and moved forward. We're not to figure out the how, that's God's job-we're to walk out the plan He designates to us and believe He will equip us to carry it out. Do you believe God has a plan for you? Even if you don't...He does, but you will never  know it until you walk it. Do you believe God will equip you? He will...but you won't know until you're in the middle of an impossible and He supplies you with all you need. Take the risk-believe Him. God's truth and promises are offered to anyone...who will believe. Will you believe? (Josh 1:3, Eph 3:20, Jn 20:29, Mk 11:22) 9/5/12CIFL-LMM

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