Thursday, March 7, 2013

Your willpower doesn't work...Jesus does!

Your willpower doesn't work...Jesus does. You can't deliver yourself, but Jesus can...if you release control. Willpower deceives you into believing if you try hard enough you can make things happen. You can try until you die-only Jesus can make things happen. Submit your will to Jesus' power...and Jesus will power His strength through you. Making you ready for and equal to anything through Him-He infuses inner strength into you; your willpower becomes sufficient in Christ's sufficiency. Don't try to change things on your own one more day-submit your will to Jesus' power delivered from what you can't control! (Phil 1:13, Lk 1:37, Phil 4:13) 3/7/13CIFL-LMM #willpower #faith #Jesuspower #christianinsightforlife

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