Saturday, September 29, 2012

Believing God can do the impossible...

Impossible dreams require a willingness to believe God does the impossible...has God put some dreams on your heart? Do you entertain them for awhile then shelf them because they're soooo impossible? That's exactly what I did. Then God put these questions on my do we know He will do the impossible unless we stand back and trust Him to do it? How do we know He uses the foolish and weak things to confound the wise unless we're willing to look foolish and weak? How do we know the bold courage of the Holy Spirit will flow through us unless we're willing to step out in faith and do bold and courageous things for Him? The answer...we will never know these things unless we are willing to believe these things!

God will help us with our willingness to believe-He will give us the desire and power! Our steps of willingness activates His power in us. We are quick to say what we believe...but slow in responding to take action in what we believe. We should be prudent, seek godly counsel and use common sense, but the bottom line is we must begin to take steps of faith into the unknown if we want to activate the impossible dreams He puts in our heart!

God challenged me a while back...did I really love Him like I said and was I really allowing Him to manifest Himself through me to make an impact or was I playing it safe and predictable, loving Him but not totally living for Him? That day changed the course of my life...I made a decision to trust God to do the impossible through me. I'm willing to look weak & foolish and to step out in faith to enable the power of the Holy Spirit through me! I will no longer play it safe and predictable to maintain a false sense of security! I love my Father and I will live for Him-seeking His approval and validation-I will still mess up and I can totally miss Him, but I would rather try and be wrong than not try at all and miss a chance at participating in an impossible dream with Him! My Father's love is big enough to cover my mistakes. I will love and live to please Him! I pray you will too! Blessings friend! 6/2012CIFL-LMM #trustGod #impossibledreams #foolish #weak #beleive

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