Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jesus' peace is authentic...

As Christians we must know the peace Jesus gives and distinguish it from what the world gives. Jesus' peace is authentic-we have access to His peace because He lives in us. Be careful what you hear; see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive adding or taking away from the Word with human reasoning. We can't create Jesus' peace, self-will it, or meditate our way to it; we receive it from Jesus. God says His peace surpasses our human understanding-it guards our minds and hearts. Our minds can't comprehend how God's ways work...His ways are higher than ours. There's a way that seems right to a man, but it's end is the way to death. Every living person has a faith deposit from God. He puts faith in each person when He knits them together in their mother's womb. Every individual is designed  to seek outside of themselves ultimately choosing Jesus as their Savior and following Christ and walking out the plan He purposed for them long ago. God loves each person He created, but will not force His love-each individual is given the choice to believe in His love or not to believe. Many want to believe some of God's truth, then mix His truth with other beliefs...Jesus is the only way, truth and life. No person is to add to His truth or take away from His truth; if they do...they're flirting with disaster and will create confusion-forfeiting God's protection of peace in their minds and hearts. Don't drown in the grandeur of self deception and forfeit the peace Jesus Christ offers...turn, repent and run to Him!  (Phil 4:7, Rom 12:3, Col 2:8, John 14:6, Isa 55:9) 1/26/13CIFL-LMM

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