Thursday, January 10, 2013

God never disqualifies you...from the game

God never disqualifies you from the game He destined for you...He's given you the game book, you're never denied access to discussing the plays with Him, He will tell you exactly what you need to work on. If He benches you-it's not to condemn you- either you have an injury you're not aware of or you're not as ready to run a play as you think you are. Bottom line...your Father is the perfect coach-don't project old hurt you're carrying or feelings of insecurity on your Father-it just creates a barrier for you...instead seek His wisdom in these things that trouble you-He will walk you through to overcome them. Your Father wants you in the game. He loves you the same when you mess up and when you do poorly-His love never changes. He's specifically equipped you to make certain plays in His strength. So lift your face-look up, you're a valued player, but most of are your Father's child and He loves you! Don't focus on what you're not...focus on what you Him. Do're made for hard! (Jer 29:11, Isa 41:10) 1/10/13CIFL-LMM

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