Get real, get accepted, be connected. When we're real about what we're feeling with God...we know we're accepted by Him and know who we are in Him giving us the ability to be authentic and be connected to others. We often deny what we're feeling for fear of
looking un-Christian; so we speak Christian-ese to give the right
answer-this only leads to a disconnect and denial of what's really
happening on the inside of our heart. We will even dismiss and
deny our feelings with God and speak Christian-ese with Him! Get real
with God, He can handle it...your identity is found in Him. When I have ugly thoughts about someone, I'll
say to God, "I don't want to feel this way toward this person,
but I do, help me understand what is causing this in me." God will search your heart (Ps139:23-24) and answer you.
Often, people will ask for forgiveness from God or another person, but have
no revelation of why they did what they did...the acknowledgement is
necessary and the apology is often sincere, but without understanding, the behavior repeats itself. Until the root of the
behavior is dealt with...the behavior continues to return. Get real with's the catalyst necessary to work through your feelings-knowing who you are in Him. Then He will help you with your feelings and guide you. Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom (2Co3:17). When a person realizes their identity is found in Christ, they have the courage to be who they are. Next, share with a trusted friend. This
vulnerability of exposing your heart...all of you, is pivotal in practicing authenticity. Although God gives you authenticity, when you practice being real with others and they accept you, you're reinforced and encouraged to continue to be your real self, knowing others accept...all of you. You discover, in addition to God accepting all of you, all of you is loved and
valued...including imperfections by others. Knowing you don't have to be perfect to be loved is critical for
adversity in daily living. We say we know this...and we do know it...we
just don't live it for fear of rejection and judgement.
Anything we deny or a road block in moving forward and being all God calls us to be. My friends, I pray you will experience the freedom our Father offers to
each of become the you He created and called you to get real, be accepted, get connected! 9/26/12CIFL-LMM
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