You will hear a voice behind you say, "this is the way, walk in it." This is the Voice of Truth...He never leaves you-don't be afraid. Fear presses in your chest...did you hear God clearly...maybe you missed it? Draw close to God-He will draw close to you, remain in Him-He will remain in you, He's with you always. Don't engage in reasoning with Fear, when you seek God with all of our heart, you'll find Him, He's bringing you through this situation even though you don't always see what He's doing-choose to believe what He's doing. Fear wants you to believe you missed Him or messed up and He's disqualifying you...that is a big fat lie! Our Father God wants you to succeed in the plans He made for you-you're purposed to carry out the passion He put in your heart. Read and speak His Word-believe it for your life! God's equipped you for what He's called you to do; relax, if you take a wrong turn, you will hear a voice behind you say... "this is the way, walk in it." The Voice of Truth never leaves you...(Isa 30:21, Jas 4:8, Jn 15:4, 2 Cor 5:7, Jer 29:11-14). 1/22/13CIFL-LMM
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