Anytime we believe "some of something," we won't be confident in all of
it...we'll believe parts, but won't have confidence that we can rely on
it completely. So we don't...leaving us uncertain and anxious. What
keeps us from believing all the parts of something? The answer is life
and our experiences-it's unfair, unpredictable, and unstable in many
ways. So we project our experiences of life on God...believing He might
be unfair, unpredictable, and unstable. To not be anxious about Him, we
must cling to His truth... God never changes, He's the same today as He
was yesterday, and will be the same tomorrow. He's with us always, is
strong when we're weak, and He's crazy in love with us! If you're
waiting on your feelings to completely trust will only believe
"some of Him" and won't be confident. God says if we lack wisdom, ask
Him and He will give it to us generously without finding fault.
But when we ask, we're to believe-not doubting Him or we will be unstable
in all we do-double-minded. God says we should not expect anything from Him if we doubt Him-this seems harsh, but it's not-He's saying...choose to believe His truth, not feel His truth. Our
feelings change, but His truth doesn't. He says, ask for wisdom and He
will give it generously...and He does. For years, I tried so hard to
believe...I wanted to believe, but more days than not I ended up in a
ditch worn out and discouraged. I professed God's Word, but I didn't say
or walk it out consistently and I tried to do it in my strength-leaving
me anxious and uncertain. I was double minded-believing "some of
Jesus." Then about 9 years ago, I got the revelation of speaking God's
Word aloud-saying what He said and asking Him to help me believe what He
said. I agreed with with the Word, not because I felt it was
true...but because He said it was true. I chose to partner with
Creator of the's changed my life and it will change yours
too! God's Words are power...He spoke this world into existence...He
made something from nothing. When we speak His Words, we agree and
believe that something can come from nothing not because of what we
do...but because of Who we have faith in. I spoke scripture to things
that once would take me down. When I came up against an impossible
situation, I'd say, "I call these things that be not as though they
are." I reminded myself daily that no matter what destruction my eyes
saw, I walked by faith, not by sight. If God's for me, even when I'm
sinking in craziness, who could be against me. That my God is before all
things and holds everything together in His very hands. Friend,
continue to speak scripture in the middle of your fire just like
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedengo. Remember they were thrown in a fiery
furnace with flames engulfing them- they walked out, no burns, not
singed, or even smelling like smoke. God's Word is a privilege...
consistently speak what He says is true, rely on His strength, not
yours. Choose to believe His truth, not feel it-your feelings
change...He never changes. God's Word will save you and loved
ones during the fire. Blessings! (Jas 1:5-8, Jn 1:3, Rom 4:17, 2 Cor 5:7, Rom
8:31, Col 1:17, Dan 3:3-30) 6/18/12CIFL-LMM
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