I've listened to many people over the years tell me about situations...lost virginity at 13 years old, learning disability, married four times, job too stressful, three abortions, cost too much, chronic
illness, divorced again, no education, depression, interest rates too
high, parents abusive, no talents, anxiety disorder, below average,
don't have much, DUI's, they're too good for me, job market is not
hiring, numerous affairs, Aspergers, too afraid, overweight, nothing to
say, drug use, just average, jail and prison time and the list goes
on. One touch of God's hand...give it to Him. He's for us, there's no,
nada, none, nothing bigger than our God-no situation that can be against
us, if He is for us (Rom8:31). Make a decision today that you will no
longer allow the situation you're in to rob you of the plans God has for you. I would love to hear about how God turned your
situation around for His glory. Blessings! 5/12CIFL-LMM
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