God's unique plan...for the rest of your life...
God equips every person with a purpose to fulfill in His kingdom-their
unique plan. Everyone is called but few respond. God's calling you to
fulfill the plans He has for you. He calls each one of us...our days
were ordained before we were born. I believe there are three reasons
people forfeit their call: 1)They don't recognize God's voice-He's made
numerous attempts to reach them...but His voice is drowned out by the
life they choose; 2)They reject the call because they can't envision how
God will carry it out through them ...sadly, their own reasoning
disqualifies them before they ever begin; and 3) Some begin the journey
then turn around because every step requires them to completely trust
God and they just can't take the second by second pressure of having to
trust God. For them choosing to believe by faith and not by their sight,
is too much for them-eventually they fade out. But then a few make it,
because they know...it's not about them being able...it's about them
being available to God to work through them! Get the revelation
knowledge...we can't do anything on our own unless God equips us to do it!
We're all called ...but God equips-we must follow His Ways...not ours
and then we can do what He's called us to do. Purpose to know Him. Know God to know your purpose... knowing Him is not facts about Him, but
intimately seeking His face, praising Him, finding your security in Him,
believing Him when your life is falling apart around you...knowing
He's for you and not against you. Believing God is a not a culmination
of feelings about Him that change from one day to the next...but
believing God is based on Who He is always. Receiving His love
daily is essential for you to carry out what He calls you to do-God's
love is your fuel to sustain and move you forward. Spend time with Jesus
daily-studying scripture. How can you know what His promises are unless
you read them? Many say they don't have time...it's time invested in the rest of your life,
how can you not have time! Daily God's love will flush out selfish
motives, bring attention to things that need work, put words in your heart that need to be said to others, cleanses the pride and arrogance that build up,
continually renewing our minds with His thoughts. Then you will still mess up and
experience adversity on the journey. Expect opposition daily-trials
strengthen. Every time you're pushed on...press in and you will
become stronger...like a muscle being developed to peak performance.
Trials mature you... God's always ready to give wisdom...if you ask. Are
you going to respond to God's call? Don't forfeit your privilege to
fulfill your call and absolutely love the rest of your life! Yet, I am
with you always. (Jer 29:11, Ps 139:16, Phil 3:10, 4:13, Rom 8:31, James
1:2-5, Ps 72:26,).
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