Many are called...few follow for fear of leaving their familiar-sadly, they forfeit the future God planned for them. Following God requires going against norms, conventional ways and popular vote. God likes things that create shock value to confound those that think they are wise. He will ask you to carry out radical, ridiculous and impossible tasks...just to prove He can do anything He pleases-He laughs as the naysayers stare with their mouths wide open. Following God brings isolation, resistance and ridicule from many, but you must go through the fire to know He's your source...your fuel that supplies you with the all you need to accomplish the mission. Be confident in God's ability flowing through you-the work He began in you, He will bring to completion. You know in your mind what God's asked you is impossible-that's why you have to completely rely on Him to carry it out. Opposition, discouragement and doubt come at you daily wanting you to justify your cause. Don't engage- it's a ploy to create confusion and distract you from hearing the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on Him-cling to His truth. God put this call in you to use you...not prove you-He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause like the noonday sun! (Mt 22:14, Phil 1:6, 1 Cor 1:27, Lk 18:27, Eph 3:20, Ps 37:5-6) 1/17/13CIFL-LMM
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