Thursday, January 10, 2013 you have it? The world teaches a person to be confident in one's own abilities and strength. Books and magazines tell you how to be confident...Prepare Yourself for Success, You Can Become Self Confident, Self Confidence that will Really Last. We're guaranteed confidence, but not as the world teaches, it's the confidence Christ offers-His very own. He will flow through us. That's right, Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe will flow His power through us to accomplish great and mighty things just like He did in Abraham, Deborah, David, Rahab and many others who gave themselves to Him. Their part in the confidence equation...availability. God needs available...He's got the able part. God does not accept egos and pride-He uses surrender and willingness. We complicate and delay being used by God because we want to debate whether we trust Him with our situation, if our past is too much for Him to handle, and if we're qualified for what He's called us to do. Read scripture and look at the people God used ...Moses killed a guy and had to overcome major self esteem issues-he had no specific training in crossing the Red Sea, David didn't go to giant killing school, he had major sin-but God called him a man after His own heart, Peter's fishing trade didn't qualify him to preach...but his love for Jesus did-even though he denied Jesus three times. The common denominator... they loved Jesus Christ and had a willingness to be used by Him and allowed His confidence to be manifested through them. I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I'm ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I'm self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]. I seek and desire my Father and He flows His ability through me. I draw close to Him-He draws close to me, He never leaves me-He will never let loose of my hand. He goes before me making a way when I can't see a way-He loves and delights in me. He is my strong tower and fortress, I hide under His wing, I run to Him to tell Him my deepest hurts and desires. He loves me when I mess up as much as...He loves me when I obey, He's my Father who made me with His very own hands-He has good plans for me, His love overflows in me, He has every step of mine ordered and He holds together everything in His hands-I'm His child and He's my Father and He delights in me. He's my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Holy, Holy, confidence is from Him-it's unshakeable. If God's for me who can be against me? I don't have to feel this...I know this. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Well, of course not, so how can what I encounter be too hard? Will you accept God's strength and confidence...will you allow Him to manifest through you to accomplish great things for the Kingdom? I pray you do friend.  Blessings! (James 4:8, Phil 4:13, Ps 18:19, 37:23, 91:1-4, Rom 8:31, Gen 18:14) 6/12/12CIFL-LMM

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