Sunday, January 13, 2013

Empty yourself of hurt...

Empty yourself of hurt-let Jesus have it...purging every last drop. Emotions will flood you-it's all those years of denying your needs, pushing back tears, minimizing, trying to prove you were good enough. This is grief...the recognition of what was lost, stolen, or never given to you. Grief validates what you says you matter and what happened to you was wrong. The love of Jesus will come in like a flood, crashing waves of His healing, pouring into every chamber, crevice, and opening...shining His light of love-nothing is overlooked...filling up every area in you, overflowing the sides and finally engulfing all of you. Until His love floods you, you're left in darkness; a prisoner of your own pain-a captive of  your circumstances...drowning in your own hurt. Will you empty the hurt and wrongs done to you...let Jesus have them? (Joel: 2:24, Rev 3:20)  1/13/13CIFL-LMM

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