Monday, January 7, 2013

No More Lunch Dates with Condemnation...

Jesus sees past...your past-will you? He sees you as God's unique creation with a bright future. If you're experiencing any condemnation, it's not from Jesus, so strike it down with the're fearfully & wonderfully made, more than a conqueror, soaring high like an eagle, good plans to prosper you-giving you hope & a future, if God's for you-who can be against you? Make a decision today...that you will have no more lunch dates with condemnation; he's not your friend-he wants to steal the promises of God from you. Tell him it's time to go-you're agreeing with Jesus & how He sees've got a bright future you need to focus on! (Ps 139:14, Rom 8:31& 37, Isa 40:31, Jer 29:11) 11/6/13CIFL-LMM

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